Songs of Omegle

July 30, 2009 at 11:50 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

This one is a little long winded , we posted song lyrics to each other.

Songs of Omegle

Tell me about your uncle’s giraffe

July 30, 2009 at 4:21 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: greetings
You: hello
You: you like cricket?
Stranger: i find the sport peculiar
You: peculiar how?
Stranger: like tuesday
You: you find tuesdays peculiar?
Stranger: yes
You: hmmm
You: you are strange.
Stranger: i’ve been ttold that i am technically insane
You: only technically?
Stranger: yes
You: But not literally?
You: or metaphorically?
You: or etymologically?
Stranger: well if you count the lamps im sure that they will agree on this matter
Stranger: you see i am a fancy man of cornwall
You: The lamps always agree.
You: They are the furniture equivalent of yes men.
Stranger: hehh
Stranger: your logic is flawless
Stranger: satan be praised!
You: Satan is dead.
Stranger: i grew five testicles!
You: nietzsche killed him.
Stranger: motherfucker
Stranger: newer liked him
Stranger: allways looked at me funny
You: He was funny-looking.
Stranger: and quite handsome
You: Were you and he ‘acquainted’?
Stranger: well lets just say that we had brutal anal intercorse
You: i’ll take that as a yes.
You: Also as a rule I pick up on people’s spelling to be annoying. Its intercourse.
Stranger: i know that. excuse my weakness
You: It is excused.
You: You are technically insane after all.
Stranger: oh my yes
Stranger: so tell me. how old do you sir happen to be?
You: Old enough to know better.
Stranger: oh well that is unfortunate
You: Isn’t everything?
Stranger: well i never considered that but yes
Stranger: horrid really
Stranger: so tell about your parents.
You: My Dad was my mother and my mother was an alligator.
You: Tell me about your Uncle’s giraffe.
Stranger: now how does that make you feel? orgazmic i trust
Stranger: i hardly think thats any of your business
You: Also its orgasmic.
Stranger: thats good
Stranger: it pleases me to hear that
You: Will you tell me about the giraffe now?
Stranger: well this is beginning to bore me so i must retire
Stranger: also NO!!!
You: It is important for you to get past this issue.
Stranger: nah i think i shall disconnect instead
You: A problem shared is a problem halved.
Stranger: hmmm it is true that whoopie goldberg is hilarious
You: I shall have the last word.
You: last word
You have disconnected.


July 29, 2009 at 11:38 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: This is my last Omegle of the day. Make it a good one.
You: Go.
Stranger: why?
Stranger: lol
You: Have to go to bed sometime.
Stranger: aaah ok
Stranger: thats bad
Stranger: m or f?
You: m
Stranger: oh ok
You: you male too?
Stranger: yes
You: shame
You: can you pretend?
Stranger: not…
You: shame
You: well thats my last omegle chat wasted.
You: got anything interesting to say?
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: from?
Stranger: lol
You: thats a no.
You: shame
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

What role am I playing again?

July 29, 2009 at 11:35 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: the last guy I talked to claimed to be stuck down a well
Stranger: with a ap tp
Stranger: 😀
Stranger: lap top*
Stranger: wow
Stranger: i told the last guy to bug off
Stranger: but the word wasnt bug
You: why did you tell him that?
Stranger: long sory
Stranger: story
Stranger: no names bt tell me who you are
Stranger: keep me interested
Stranger: im curious
You: who i am?
Stranger: yeah why not? we’ll never meet so who cares?
You: I am a man looking for a guy who talked to a guy who claimed to be stuck down a well
You: for a laugh really
Stranger: Wow first random person ive met in Omegle
Stranger: Conrats!
You: Sarcasm?
Stranger: no truth
You: really?
Stranger: yup
Stranger: It feels like a turtle who just ate an apple pie attacked my chest cavity with his wives homemade kitchen decorations
You: Id prefer blueberry.
Stranger: i prefer the turtle
You: tortoises are better.
Stranger: :d haha
Stranger: well
Stranger: lets play hagman
Stranger: hangman
Stranger: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guess?
You: e
Stranger: nope
You: r
Stranger: nope
Stranger: 5 more to go
You: i
Stranger: nope
You: o
Stranger: yup
Stranger: _ _ _ _ o _ _
You: t
Stranger: nope
Stranger: 3 to go
You: a
Stranger: nope 2 to go
You: s
Stranger: nope
Stranger: last on
You: n
Stranger: nope the word was F**K OFF!!!!! MUHUHUHUAHHAHAHAHAH CACTUS CACTUS!!!!
You: cactus?
You: the word was cactus?
You: odd.
Stranger: no
You: I said a.
You: and t.
Stranger: the word was f**k off!!!! ye b*****d 😀 hahaha
You: thats too long.
Stranger: yea
Stranger: 😀
You: are you sure you know how to play?
Stranger: no i just wanted to say the fuck word
Stranger: 😀
Stranger: im insane dont ou get it
Stranger: ?
You: Not really.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: hahah you basterd
You: Insane people usually don’t try so hard.
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
You: not insane
You: a little stupid maybe
Stranger: oh yeah definetely but thats all it takes to please your mom!
You: at least my mum can spell.
You: did you even go to school?
Stranger: yeah she can also pronounce my name right
Stranger: no im a redneck
You: Is your neck really red?
You: Never understood that.
Stranger: no its pinkish like your moms *****
You: Hmm , why aren’t you called a pinkneck then?
Stranger: i dont know i don care
You: No , you don’t seem to know a lot do you?
Stranger: ohh actually ill sto being a jack ass
Stranger: ou have no idea who i am so 😀 its all fine
You: Can you stop?
Stranger: but im clinically insne i should be locked up
Stranger: beside acting like an immature teenager
You: Ah , i’d assumed you were an immature teenager , was I incorrect?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you have no idea who i m
Stranger: i could be a sientist for all you know
Stranger: scientist*
You: I was about to make another comment about your spelling.
You: But I see you corrected it.
Stranger: i know you seem to like correting people
Stranger: your friends like that?
You: I don’t think they let stupid people become scientists.
You: Still its possible.
Stranger: man if ll you gonna do is all me stupid weve switched roles
You: What is your field?
Stranger: my field is your mom nd sincerely man **** you you know why? no reason. You should die as well as he rest of humanity and its funny how you try be mature y staying cam wish it was the same inside you….your feelings are different
You: what role was I meant to be playing again?
Stranger: so sincerely go die lone in a deep hole
You: I forgot.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Im your Jamaican Daddy-O

July 29, 2009 at 10:05 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: love u
You: love you too honey
You: but we can’t be together
Stranger: o and y not =[
You: because I have a terrible secret..
Stranger: do tell 😉
Stranger: lol
Stranger: welll ermmm i guess thats a good enough reson ……were ya from stranger?
You: you call me stranger still?
You: we have declared our love for each other
Stranger: well then tell me ur name =]
You: My real name?
You: Or just something funny I can make up on the spot
Stranger: no my dads name …ye ur real name lol
You: But I am your dad.
You: Im so confused.
Stranger: o no u aint
Stranger: if u were my dad you would no my name ……so wots my name 😉
You: Alas your mother never told me.
Stranger: well then wots my mums name 😉
You: I never knew.
Stranger: omg ur a bad dad
You: It was one night of passionate anonymous..well you know how it works
Stranger: yes i do ……and how is it u no who i am then?
You: The Force.
You: I could tell by using the force.
Stranger: did i tell u how much i hate star wars and star treck …….well i do very much =[
You: How can you hate star wars?
Stranger: i think its crappy lol
You: why?
Stranger: i would rather watch hannah montana and i fuckin hate that
You: you’ve seen the originals right? not the crappy prequels
Stranger: i have been forced to watch then yes and i still dont like it ……i dont realy like most sci fi films tbh
You: Wow. They let people like you on the internet these days?
Stranger: lol
You: Man the internet has gone down hill.
Stranger: i no even google does klingon as a language option lol
You: Yeah , thats a little too far though.
You: So what films do you like?
You: I can pretend to be a character from one of those instead..
Stranger: im more of a comedy film lover or a war film (but not world war 1and 2 films) …..does that even make sense?
You: How do you feel about comedy war films?
Stranger: well i dunno i cant recall watching one lol
You: Have you not seen tropic thunder?
Stranger: ahhh yes it was ok not the best
Stranger: so no they not to good lol
You: Why don’t you like WW1/WW2 films?
Stranger: they all seem then same (kinnda but not realy)……and im bored of hearin bwt ww1 and 2 they are the borein ones lol and they make u like do it for ages in school so now i hate it ……would rather find out about egyptions and roman wars and china lol
You: fair enough
Stranger: so were ya from ya never told me lol
You: Jamaica
Stranger: realy or u just shitin me
You: You don’t believe your father?
Stranger: nope i dont actually =]
You: We do have computers here in Jamaica you know
Stranger: ye i never thought ya dident lol
You: good good, a lot of people say they thought that we didnt.
Stranger: i dont think ya live in huts and go round doing voodo if thats wot u ment lol
You: Well, thats okay then.
Stranger: have these ppl never watched cool runings jeeze lol =]
You: We only do that on Tuesdays.
Stranger: lol
Stranger: voodo tuesdays sounds fun =]
You: It used to be fun before all the health and safety rules
Stranger: ur the first jamaican i met on here so thats nice lol
Stranger: no more sacrifiseing ppl over a giant fire then?…..damn
You: We never did that.
You: Racist.
Stranger: lol
You: lol
Stranger: but werent the aztecs from jamaica or was that mxico?
You: They were from Mexico.
Stranger: i see well i learnt summat today fnx =]
You: haha , good good
Stranger: do you have a bobsled team =]
You: No.
You: That was just the one time.
Stranger: but cool runnings is ace …… should get one …….i dont even no if my country has one lol
You: where you from?
Stranger: england
Stranger: does it have one lol =]
You: Probably.
Stranger: google says we do YAY =]
You: lol cool
You: anyway gotta go
You: say hi to your mother for me
Stranger: bye
Stranger: will do =]
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
<Ed: Turns out Jamaica do still have a bob sled team>

Listen Jill…

July 29, 2009 at 10:03 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: hello dave
Stranger: I’m not some Dave
You: Are you Jill?
Stranger: No..
You: Sam?
You: John/
You: /
You: ?
Stranger: Nnnno
You: ummm
You: Ive run out of names.
Stranger: Oww.. sad. Let’s cry together 😀
You: Okay.
You: yes we have no bananas
Stranger: really
You: really
Stranger: fucking sad
You: none at all
You: I know!
Stranger: You know!
You: I do!
You: Have you got any bananas?
Stranger: Unbelievable! Ofcourse!
You: You do?
Stranger: I do
You: May we have some?
Stranger: Well..
You: please dave
Stranger: I’m not Dave!
You: jill?
Stranger: No!
You: Who on earth are you then?
Stranger: I don’t have a name
You: I will call you Dave then.
Stranger: No. I don’t agree with that. I’m not even a male.
You: I will call you Jill then.
Stranger: No. I don’t looke like some Jill.
You: Listen Jill , stop giving me jip ok?
Stranger: jip?
You: yeah , jibber jabber
You: lip
You: chatback
Stranger: But..
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: So what’s your name? Jack?
Stranger: Or not?
Stranger: I’ll go and rule the world now, sweet dreams

Clearly not a Monty Python fan

July 29, 2009 at 9:14 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hi
You: well , hello there
You: what is your name?
Stranger: retard
Stranger: yours?
You: what is your quest?
Stranger: to kill 10 raptors
You: what is the average flying speed of a swallow?
Stranger: my epic mount is faster
You: I want you to bring me….a shrubbery!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Where are the scissors?

July 29, 2009 at 9:09 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: oh darling, could you help me out of my dress?
You: I could , just let me get some scissors.
Stranger: alright, that’s fine
Stranger: be careful though, i don’t have anything on underneath
You: couldn’t find any.
Stranger: hmmmm
You: do you have any?
Stranger: i think there’s a pair in that drawer
You: what drawer?!
You: All I see are padded walls.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

It didn’t mean anything

July 29, 2009 at 8:45 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: hii
You: hello dave
Stranger: hello
You: how are things?
You: how is the wife?
Stranger: she is being a slut right now
You: well I didnt want to say anything but I have heard thingd
Stranger: lol
You: *things
You: and there was that time between her and I up at the log cabin
Stranger: i knew it
You: I meant to tell you.
You: can you ever forgive me?
Stranger: I HATE YOU
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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