What role am I playing again?

July 29, 2009 at 11:35 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: the last guy I talked to claimed to be stuck down a well
Stranger: with a ap tp
Stranger: πŸ˜€
Stranger: lap top*
Stranger: wow
Stranger: i told the last guy to bug off
Stranger: but the word wasnt bug
You: why did you tell him that?
Stranger: long sory
Stranger: story
Stranger: no names bt tell me who you are
Stranger: keep me interested
Stranger: im curious
You: who i am?
Stranger: yeah why not? we’ll never meet so who cares?
You: I am a man looking for a guy who talked to a guy who claimed to be stuck down a well
You: for a laugh really
Stranger: Wow first random person ive met in Omegle
Stranger: Conrats!
You: Sarcasm?
Stranger: no truth
You: really?
Stranger: yup
Stranger: It feels like a turtle who just ate an apple pie attacked my chest cavity with his wives homemade kitchen decorations
You: Id prefer blueberry.
Stranger: i prefer the turtle
You: tortoises are better.
Stranger: :d haha
Stranger: well
Stranger: lets play hagman
Stranger: hangman
Stranger: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ guess?
You: e
Stranger: nope
You: r
Stranger: nope
Stranger: 5 more to go
You: i
Stranger: nope
You: o
Stranger: yup
Stranger: _ _ _ _ o _ _
You: t
Stranger: nope
Stranger: 3 to go
You: a
Stranger: nope 2 to go
You: s
Stranger: nope
Stranger: last on
You: n
Stranger: nope the word was F**K OFF!!!!! MUHUHUHUAHHAHAHAHAH CACTUS CACTUS!!!!
You: cactus?
You: the word was cactus?
You: odd.
Stranger: no
You: I said a.
You: and t.
Stranger: the word was f**k off!!!! ye b*****d πŸ˜€ hahaha
You: thats too long.
Stranger: yea
Stranger: πŸ˜€
You: are you sure you know how to play?
Stranger: no i just wanted to say the fuck word
Stranger: πŸ˜€
Stranger: im insane dont ou get it
Stranger: ?
You: Not really.
Stranger: i know
Stranger: hahah you basterd
You: Insane people usually don’t try so hard.
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
Stranger: hahhahahahaha you basterd
You: not insane
You: a little stupid maybe
Stranger: oh yeah definetely but thats all it takes to please your mom!
You: at least my mum can spell.
You: did you even go to school?
Stranger: yeah she can also pronounce my name right
Stranger: no im a redneck
You: Is your neck really red?
You: Never understood that.
Stranger: no its pinkish like your moms *****
You: Hmm , why aren’t you called a pinkneck then?
Stranger: i dont know i don care
You: No , you don’t seem to know a lot do you?
Stranger: ohh actually ill sto being a jack ass
Stranger: ou have no idea who i am so πŸ˜€ its all fine
You: Can you stop?
Stranger: but im clinically insne i should be locked up
Stranger: beside acting like an immature teenager
You: Ah , i’d assumed you were an immature teenager , was I incorrect?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: you have no idea who i m
Stranger: i could be a sientist for all you know
Stranger: scientist*
You: I was about to make another comment about your spelling.
You: But I see you corrected it.
Stranger: i know you seem to like correting people
Stranger: your friends like that?
You: I don’t think they let stupid people become scientists.
You: Still its possible.
Stranger: man if ll you gonna do is all me stupid weve switched roles
You: What is your field?
Stranger: my field is your mom nd sincerely man **** you you know why? no reason. You should die as well as he rest of humanity and its funny how you try be mature y staying cam wish it was the same inside you….your feelings are different
You: what role was I meant to be playing again?
Stranger: so sincerely go die lone in a deep hole
You: I forgot.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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