Tell me about your uncle’s giraffe

July 30, 2009 at 4:21 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: “asl” is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: greetings
You: hello
You: you like cricket?
Stranger: i find the sport peculiar
You: peculiar how?
Stranger: like tuesday
You: you find tuesdays peculiar?
Stranger: yes
You: hmmm
You: you are strange.
Stranger: i’ve been ttold that i am technically insane
You: only technically?
Stranger: yes
You: But not literally?
You: or metaphorically?
You: or etymologically?
Stranger: well if you count the lamps im sure that they will agree on this matter
Stranger: you see i am a fancy man of cornwall
You: The lamps always agree.
You: They are the furniture equivalent of yes men.
Stranger: hehh
Stranger: your logic is flawless
Stranger: satan be praised!
You: Satan is dead.
Stranger: i grew five testicles!
You: nietzsche killed him.
Stranger: motherfucker
Stranger: newer liked him
Stranger: allways looked at me funny
You: He was funny-looking.
Stranger: and quite handsome
You: Were you and he ‘acquainted’?
Stranger: well lets just say that we had brutal anal intercorse
You: i’ll take that as a yes.
You: Also as a rule I pick up on people’s spelling to be annoying. Its intercourse.
Stranger: i know that. excuse my weakness
You: It is excused.
You: You are technically insane after all.
Stranger: oh my yes
Stranger: so tell me. how old do you sir happen to be?
You: Old enough to know better.
Stranger: oh well that is unfortunate
You: Isn’t everything?
Stranger: well i never considered that but yes
Stranger: horrid really
Stranger: so tell about your parents.
You: My Dad was my mother and my mother was an alligator.
You: Tell me about your Uncle’s giraffe.
Stranger: now how does that make you feel? orgazmic i trust
Stranger: i hardly think thats any of your business
You: Also its orgasmic.
Stranger: thats good
Stranger: it pleases me to hear that
You: Will you tell me about the giraffe now?
Stranger: well this is beginning to bore me so i must retire
Stranger: also NO!!!
You: It is important for you to get past this issue.
Stranger: nah i think i shall disconnect instead
You: A problem shared is a problem halved.
Stranger: hmmm it is true that whoopie goldberg is hilarious
You: I shall have the last word.
You: last word
You have disconnected.

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